Bridging the Skills Gap: The Role of Young Persons in Trade Industries


In today’s fast-changing world, the demand for skilled workers continuously increases across various industries throughout the Wilmington, NC area. However, the skills gap in many fields, such as trade industries, is still a huge concern. Companies are having difficulty finding suitable candidates to fill open positions due to the lack of skilled workers. To address this issue, more young people like Jack Andrew Mcloughlin are creating initiatives to bridge the skills gap, including focusing on the role of young persons in trade industries. In this blog post, we will discuss how young persons can help fill the skills gap in trade industries and why investing in their skills development is crucial.

Young Persons Bring New Ideas and Innovations

Innovation is key to staying competitive in the market in trade industries like construction, manufacturing, and logistics. Young people are known for their tech-savvy and creative minds, which can bring new ideas and fresh perspectives to the industry. Traditional practices do not bog them down and can introduce more sustainable and efficient techniques. When given proper training and exposure, young persons can significantly impact the industry’s growth and development.

Young Persons Have a Strong Drive to Learn

Recent studies show that young adults today have a higher education level than any other previous generation. However, the level of unemployment among young adults is also at a record high. Investing in the skills development of young persons can lead to better job prospects, which could motivate them further to pursue knowledge and learning. In trade industries, where constant upskilling and reskilling are necessary, hiring and training young persons can ensure industry success and sustainability.

Young Persons Can Adapt to New Technologies

Adopting technology is critical in filling the skills gap in trade industries. Many companies are still in the process of integrating digital technologies into their operations. Young persons, being digital natives, are more familiar with utilizing technology in their daily lives. They are more likely to adopt new technologies quickly, making the transition smoother for companies. In trade industries, where automation and digitization are becoming increasingly common, young people are essential in adapting to these changes.

Young Persons Bring Diversity into the Industry

A diverse workforce brings different perspectives, skills, and experiences into an industry. Being part of the most diverse generation, young people can bring their unique cultures and outlooks to the industry. The once male-dominated trade industries can also benefit from a more diverse workforce that includes more women and underrepresented groups. By promoting diversity and inclusivity, the industry can tap into a wider range of talent and increase its overall productivity and growth.

Young Persons Will Shape the Future of Trade Industries

As the current workforce ages and retires, the next generation will be the ones to shape the industry’s future. Investment in young persons’ skills development will fill the skills gap in trade industries and ensure that the industry continues to evolve and grow. Young persons’ influence and impact are visible in areas like sustainability and green technology, which could be key to the industry’s future viability and success. By investing in young persons, we are investing in the future of trade industries.


The skills gap in trade industries is a pressing concern in today’s job market. Investing in young persons’ skills development is essential in bridging the gap and ensuring the industry’s sustainability and growth. Young people bring new ideas, a strong drive to learn, technological adaptability, diversity, and a vision for the future. Companies that invest in young persons today are setting themselves up for long-term success, as the young workforce will be the ones to shape the industry tomorrow. It is time to prioritize young persons in trade industries and unleash their potential.